Prime Minister
Gordon Brown
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Dear Prime Minister,
Many thanks for your response; I do
understand that you are extremely busy.
However, the reasons for writing to you is
an absolutely last resort, it is meant to demonstrate that;
I had discussed both my businesses
with senior government ministers – in 1996 in the case of the
first business venture and 1997 in the case of the
second business venture, before making
contact with the various government business support agencies
That both my businesses were –
subsequently stolen by these government business support agencies – both thefts
are supported by documentary evidence of the facts
That I tried to get the matter
resolved by contacting various government agencies and the former prime
minister -
That I tried the services of
the Ombudsman
That on the advice of the
Department for Constitutional Affairs - I tried to obtain a legal solution –
with disastrous consequences on both occasion – because I did not have access
to legal representation or legal aid
That I have been in discussions with the
various secretaries of State for the Department of Trade and Industry and the
Chief Executive of the Small Business Services.
It is in this context that I have decided to
write to you, the fact that you have now passed on my complaint to the very
department that has failed to acknowledge my complaint over the past (1) years
– despite the evidence is very distressing.
I am well aware
that you are extremely busy – but no one should be subjected to my ordeal no
matter what their ethnic origin.
The facts are that
government business agencies that I have approached for support in my business
venture have stolen my business and used it for themselves can be witnessed
again within the documents that are attached with this letter.
I respectfully
request an independent enquiry into these matters – since the former DTI has been involved
throughout and cannot be regarded as independent – I had in fact written to Mrs
Margaret Hodge – their response was dismissive – My partner and I subsequently
requested an appointment with Mrs Hodge and have had no response to this
Because of the
theft of my first business by Dr Phil Blackburn, former chief executive of
WLTEC, I lost my house and was eventually evicted from my rented accommodation.
Because of the
theft of my second business venture by VJ Amin, former employee of Business
Link London North West and Ruth Brothwell, former employee of Business for
London – I am forced to live on income
support, social security and as of age 65, a government pension, and I was not able to repay any of the monies
borrowed to start either business.
because the persons who have stolen my second business venture are former
employees of government agencies – they are in positions to obtain government
funds to offer training based on my documents for free, this should not be
possible in a fair and just society.
I am therefore requesting once more that since;
access to legal aid is not
and attempts to obtain a
solution have been tried without success –
that the matters raised in this
letter be impartially investigated based on the overwhelming volume of evidence,
documents and witness statements
and that I should be
compensated for the theft of my business by these former government business
support employees.
Yours respectfully,
Signed: Beauford
Lloyd Sewell