M R. G. Morgan Department of Trade & Industry 10 Victoria Street London SW1 ONN
Dear Mr Morgan,
I am indeed very grateful for your recent correspondence, I would however like to take the opportunity to draw your attention to the following facts
No: 1
that (a) I have been unable to obtain legal advice since that time in relation to other matters involving government agencies and individuals employed by these agencies,
(b) I have repeatedly brought the matter relating to the incident of (1997) to the attention of members of the government – this has resulted in no action being taken to investigate my complaints by any government department,
(c) In (2001) on the advice from the Lord Chancellors office (obtained by telephone), I proceeded to seek justice by my own efforts – this matter is still underway in the courts.
(d) I have recently brought all the relevant matters to the attention of Mr Nigel Griffith – Sec of State – despite the documentary evidence and witness statements provided – he has again declined to investigate my complaint.
(e) You may wish to satisfy yourself of the bonafide of the above statements by doing a search for my name in The DTI, DfEE, and The Government Office for London.
No: 2
In specific response to the threats in your recent letter, whereas I am not in a position to threaten anyone – and would not consider so to do – I have decided that in the two (2) specific cases mentioned above, the small matter of my human rights has some considerable bearing as it has proved impossible to-date to obtain
Fact No 3 I would like to remind that you – that the objective as laid down in the civil procedure rules, JUSTICE, Further I can assure you that if it proves to be impossible to obtain justice through the English courts system, I will have no hesitation in putting the various matters before the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
Lloyd Sewell
for Contracts - Workshop Training Programme © Centre for
Business Excellence Ltd
Meadows, Cranleigh,
Surrey GU6 8NH Tel: 01483 267098 Mobi:
07866 607197 Date: