Claim No        BF102062




Claimant                                             Beauford Lloyd Sewell

Company Name                                  (Centre for Business Excellence Ltd)




Defendants                                        West London Training and Enterprise Council



Date:                                                   28-March-2003




                                                            IN THE BRENTFORD COUNTY COURT



Claim No                                                        BF102062


Claimant                                                         Beauford Lloyd Sewell

                                                                        Centre for Business Excellence Ltd



Defendants                                        West London Training and Enterprise Council



Date:                                                   15/07/07







Claim No        BF102062


Beauford Lloyd Sewell                                             Claimant



West London Training and Enterprise Council                  Defendants











By way of background information – the Claimant wishes to put before the court the following information;


·         AT the relevant time, the Claimant had spent almost twenty five (25) years, (1970 to 1993), in the computer industry in the UK and Europe.


·         The Claimant returned from Holland in March 1993 with the sole intention of either finding employment or becoming self-employed.


·         The Claimant was refused Legal Aid – on the grounds that he had insufficient evidence – this evidence was available from the (GOL), Government Office for London – GOL refused to provide the documents from which the evidence could have been obtained – on the grounds of the Data Protection Act.


·         The documents was eventually obtained after the Claimant wrote to Mr Stephen Byers in 1999.   


·         between (1995 and 2003) the Claimant has had (5) attempts to deprive him of his business

      by (2) - private firms who were successfully repulsed by the Claimant and 


·         (3) government sponsored - business support agencies charged with providing assistance to the un-employed.


·         The Claimants first attempted to become self-employed  in (1993/94), this effort has resulted in the current proceedings,


The Claimant was subsequently, forced to attempt the development of a new business – however – before the Claimant could determine if the New Project  was viable and therefore had any chance of success – it had to be Market Tested, this meant conducting Pilot Projects.


As a direct result of the piloting process, the Claimant’s second attempt at becoming self-employed has again been successfully pillaged by a former employee of a government support agency – for whom the Claimant had previously conducted a workshop of his new project.


This firm has successfully presented the Claimants new project as his own, to a government funding agency and has subsequently received funding to promote the project - this firm operates under the

Not-For-Profit banner they are not required to be registered with The Charities Commission.


The Results

As a direct result of the incidents listed above is that the Claimant has found it impossible to;

(a)  find suitable employment

(b)  gain employment in the areas of his expertise –

(c)  become self-employed.

(d) the Claimant's current age of (62), has increased his difficulties and reduced his possibilities

he has therefore been forced to exist on Social Security Benefits and has utilised such assistance received to retrain himself in various fields in the hope of one day either;


(d) becoming self-employed or

(e) finding employment

The Claimant has had to give up completing his MBA at the University of Greenwich for lack of funds.





The Claimant’ statement of case is based on the “Overriding Objective” as laid down in the New Civil Procedure Rules (Part1, page1), the Claimant wishes to present his statement of case to the court – based on the facts, - these facts are fully supported both by witness statements and by documentary evidence and can be further substantiated by a

named search of various governmental departments from (1995 to the Present) –

these include the following,


·         The Prime Minister – Mr Tony Blair

·         The Department of Trade and Industry,

·         The Department for Employment and Education,

·         The Department for Social Services,

·         The Government Office for London,



(           In support of his claim against the Defendants - the Claimant wishes to put before the court

documentary evidence relating to correspondence with various government ministers, MP’s

and MEP, since 1996.



(           In support of his claim against the Defendants - the Claimant wishes to put before the court

documentary evidence relating to the conduct of the affairs of West London Training and

Enterprise Council in general an the actions and conduct of the Chief Executive

Dr Phil Blackburn in particular.




(           In support of his case – the Claimant also wishes to put before the court – the conduct of

the Main Consultant to Dr Phil BlackburnMs Meenu Vora .


                                    In presenting this documentary evidence relating to the affairs of West London Training and

Enterprise Council  the Claimant wishes to demonstrate that the conduct of the Chief

Executive was contrary to the rules and duties of directors in general and the Operating

Rules of the (TEC) Training and Enterprise Council - in particular.



(           In presenting this documentary evidence relating to the affairs of I.T. Skills Forum –

Managing Director – Ms Meenu Vora, – the Main Consultant to Dr Phil Blackburn  

the Claimant wishes to demonstrate that the conduct of the Managing Director of I.T. Skills Forum was contrary to the rules and duties of directors.


By presenting such documentary evidence - the Claimant wishes to demonstrate that the two named persons listed above were primarily responsible and accountable for their actions in the sequence of events which ensued.





            The Claimant wishes to lay before the court the following documents in support of his case;



(           the Claimant’s Professional Profile and education,

            (exhibit   (B. L. Sewell - Personal Profile)


(           the Claimant’s Integrated Multi-Media Business Support Centre - Proposal

                        as developed in (1995) - (exhibit – (IMBSC Document)



(           Documentary evidence that establish the fact -  that the Claimant's


                                    Integrated Multi-Media Business Support Centre - Proposal


                        was in the possession of the Defendants at the material times,

                        (exhibit 1.06.1 – Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995 to the Claimant dated 08-Dec-1995)


(           Documentary evidence relating to the Claimant’s projected business as contained in his

                        Business and Marketing Plans, - developed in 1995,

(exhibit  - Business and Marketing Plans)


(                   Documentary evidence which establishes the fact that during the relevant times the

                    Claimant had various correspondence in the form of letters relating to the Claimant’s


                                     "Integrated Multi-Media Business Training Centre"


                    project with the following government ministers, members of parliament and members

                    of the European Parliament;  


·         Mr Michael Bichard, (former Joint Permanent Secretary)

·         Mr Richard Balfe,,MEP

·         Mr Robert Evans,,MEP

·         Ms Harriot Harmon,,MP

·         Mr Andrew Smith,,(former Head of the Department for Education and Employment)

·         Mr Brian Glickman,, then, Head of the Government Office for London

·         et al

·         The Government Office for London

(exhibit  - Letters to and from government departments)





(      Documentary evidence which shows that during the relevant times (1995 – to 1996) the

                   Claimant had extensive face-to-face discussions,  -  various correspondence by                               

                   letter and fax with the following Senior Managers of West London Training and Enterprise

 Council, namely; 


·         Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995  - Enterprise Link Manager -  (West London Business Link)

(exhibit – letter form Jeff St Paul)

·         Mr John Murray  - Business Development Director - (West London Training and Enterprise Council                                              

·         Mr Jeff St Paul General Manager - West London Enterprise - (dated 15-Jun-1995)


·         Mr Chris Dunn - Managing Director – Enterprise Futures Ltd  - (dated 06-Apr-2001)

An external Consulting Firm under contract to West London Training  and Enterprise Council


(     Documentary evidence in the form of “Market Research” reports conducted on behalf

                   of the Claimant – and other independent research papers relating to the Claimant’s

       project – dated 1996.

             (exhibit - - (the telemarketing bureau)

       (exhibit - (The Henley Business Partnership)







(           Documentary evidence in the form of witness statements – in support of the Claimant’s       case against the Defendants, (exhibit




(           Documentary evidence relating to the conduct of Training and Enterprise  Council’s by the

                        Secretary of State, Title, “TEC Operating Manual,





(           Documentary evidence relating to the purposes to which the (ESF) European Social

Fund programme  Title- “Partners in Regeneration  (Sub-title) –

The Challenge Fund,  could be put, their objectives and benchmarks,


(exhibit -  ref: Partners in Regeneration Document – dated March – 1996

 (exhibit -  ref - Partners in Regeneration Document –

 Bidding Timetable  -  ref: page 12)

 (exhibit -  ref: Bid No: 96/139/WLTEC – one page document)



(        Documentary evidence pertaining to the conduct of the Chief Executive of West London

                     Training and Enterprise Council in his “Bid Document” to the Government Office for London,

   (exhibit ref: WLTEC – Bid Proforma Document



(        Documentary evidence relating to the support for the project as outlined by the Chief

          Executive and others acting for  -  and in collaboration with the Chief Executive of  West

          London Training and enterprise Council,  -

                (exhibit - -   ref: various letters of support for the project





(           Documentary expert summary evidence from the records supplied by

            Companies House relating to the conduct of the financial affairs of  West London

            Training and Enterprise Council under the stewardship of the Chief Executive –

            Dr Phil Blackburn, - (exhibit



(           Documentary expert summary  relating to the financial affairs of the

            Main Consultantas obtained from Companies House, -

            (exhibit -



(           Documentary evidence in the form of an Expert Financial Assessment  

            of the financial relationship and business between – the Chief Executive of

            West London Training and Enterprise Council, Dr Phil Blackburn and the  

            Managing Director I. T. Skills Forum , Ms Meenu Vora –  as obtained from                       

            Companies House,  

            (exhibit -


      (           The information relating to these persons is presented without prejudice to the legal

                  rights of either person – however the information is presented as a method by which          

certain statements, correspondence, actions and the facts may be clarified and  

verified in accordance with the Overriding Objective of Justice as outlined in  

(CPR - 1.1).





(           The Claimant first made contact with the Defendants on or about (June-1995) as a

            result of advertisements by the Defendants and other sources, and made clear his                                   desire to start his own business and his intention to secure government assistance

            for his project,



(           In Dec – 1995, as a direct result of continuing discussions between the Claimant




Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995,  in his capacity as Enterprise Link Manager for the Defendants,

the Claimant presented Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995 with a copy of his proposal




for his comments with regards to its acceptability as a project suitable for             government funding,



(           As a direct result the discussions relating to this specific project Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995

            replied in a detailed fax – sent to the Claimant on (08-Dec-1996)  -




(           Between the (15-June-1995) and (05-June-1996), the Claimant  had

            weekly meetings  and discussions with the Defendants - who encouraged the                             Claimant both verbally and in writing to pursue his objective of starting his own business.

            (exhibit -  letters from WLTEC



(           Cuncurrently, the Claimant also had discussions with Mr Jeff St Paul

            General Manger of  the West London Enterprise Agency – the main service delivery

            agency of West London Training and Enterprise Agency.

            (exhibit - letters from WLEA


(           The Claimant also had discussions with Mr John Murray – in his capacity of

            Business Development Director of West London Training and Enterprise Council                     (corroborative exhibit 1.5.6) dated 06th April 2001


(           The Defendants finally

                        entered into a contract between the Defendants and the Claimant






                        the terms and conditions of the contract included the following pre- conditions;

                        (exhibit – letter from Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995 relating to handing over Business Plan






(            LAW OF CONTRACT


(           The Claimant has relied on The Law of Contract for England and Wales in his                                      submissions, vis-à-vis that the Defendants by way of various communications     

            in writing,  - in person, by fax and other means Intended to conclude a contract

            with the Claimant – and in effect did conclude such a contract.





section           -           intention to create legal relations


section  1.1.2             -           Commercial agreements

section           -           Continuance of offers

section           -           Communication of offers

section 1.1.3              -           Acceptance

section 1.1.5              -           Consideration

section           -           Performance of an existing duty

section 2.1                 -           The incorporation of terms

section 2.2                 -           Statement of the parties

section 2.5.2              -           The common law “rules”

section 3.2                 -           The nature of misrepresentation

section 3.3.1              -           Fraudulent misrepresentation

section 5.1.1              -           Expectation of loss

section 5.1.2              -           Measure of damages

section 5.1.3              -           Time for assessment of loss

section 5.1.4              -           Reliance interest

section 5.1.5              -           Consequential losses



(           The Claimant wishes to put before the court – the fact that the Defendants

            demanded both verbally and in writing –


that before the Defendants could assist the Claimant,  


the Claimant is required to hand over his business and marketing plans as a

pre-condition to receiving the required assistance from the Defendants –  the

Claimant therefore regard these actions by the Defendants as proof of

constituting acceptance by the Defendants under the Law of Contract.


(exhibit  - (letter from Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995 dated, 06-Jun-1996)

                              (letter from Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995 dated, 06-Mar-1996)

(letter from Sophie Hanaford dated, 23-May-1996)

(letter from Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995 dated, 5-Jun-1996)

(letter to Dr Phil Blackburn dated, July-1996)

(letter from Nicola Brentnall – PA to Dr Phil Blackburn - (Member of the British Labour Party) –

dated, 03-Sep-1996)

(letter from Dr Phil Blackburn16-Sep-1996)

(letter from Robert Kyle dated, 08-Oct-1996)



(           Documentary evidence in the form of the West London Training and Enterprise Council

            main "Bid Document"  

            (exhibit  -  ref: Main Bid Document



(           Documentary evidence in the form of correspondence between the Chief Executive of

            West London Training and Enterprise Council – and third parties -  letters of support

            on the (06th and 07th June 1996)

            (exhibit  -



(           Documentary evidence relating to SRB bid deadline and the last date on which bids

            must be submitted.

            (exhibit   -   Bid Timetable Document)



(           The Relationship between the Defendants and third parties

             (exhibit   -   (West London Training and Enterprise Council –

                                                   Management Structure)



(             The Claimant wishes to put before the court – that in effect   under the

              Law of Contract,  -  

              a commercial agreement was in place and therefore a contract under the law - did

              exist between the Defendants and the Claimant.

              (exhibit – (section  to 5.1.5)




(           The Claimant also wishes to put before the court the fact that – under the procedures

                        outlined in the TEC Operating Manual


      (exhibit 1.2.0)  from the Secretary of State – the Defendants did have a duty to assist the

      Claimant as part of their Operating Objectives, as laid down by the Secretary of State –                       TEC Operating Manual – (exhibit 1.2.0) Section2, sub-section 100,

       sub-section (d), para. (I, ii, iii),



(           The Defendants – stated categorically – in their Bid Proposal and Bid Document

      that the funds requested was meant specifically to address one of the main issues

      stipulated in:-


      (exhibit  - 1.3.8a) - TEC Operating - Manual

      ( exhibit - 1.3.8b) -  Partners in Regeneration- Manual


      (i.e.) that of providing services to the un-employed and to assist those who wished

      to become Self-Employment of Minority groups,  


      (exhibit 1.3.8a)  the Bid Proforma

      (exhibit 1.3.8b) the Main Bid Document



(           The Defendants were well aware that the Claimant satisfied the condition of being

                        un-employed for the relevant period of time and wished to start his own business and

                        therefore was fully conscious of the implications of their actions,  




(           The Claimant wishes to impress upon the court – that based on the evidence, the

     actions of the Defendants were deliberately designed to deceive all concerned

      in general and in particular to deprive the Claimant of his business,

      a task that they achieved – these acts by the Defendants are forbidden by various laws,  



(           The Defendants as an agencyset by government to provides services for persons     

        such as the Claimant – were well aware of their special responsibilities to the

        Claimant   as laid down in (exhibit 1.4.1a and 1.4.1b) and which they stated so

        categorically in their Bid Document to the Government Office for London,

        (exhibit 1.4.1c  and 1.4.1d)



(            The Defendants – failed to comply with the own undertaking in;

         (exhibit 1.4.2a - 1.4.2b – 1.4.2c and 1.4.2d) with regards to the Claimant and were

         fully conscious of the consequences to the Claimant as a result of this failure on their part,



(           The Defendants were fully conscious of their actions at all times and equally

        conscious of the effect that their actions would have on the Claimant,






(           The Claimant is required by the Defendants to join the Defendants

            Business Start-up Program,



(           The Claimant is required to provide the Defendants with a copy of the Claimant’s

            Business Plans  -  Marketing Plans and other documents relating to his intended




(           The Claimant is required to have the sum of £15,000 from his own funds which would be

              retained by the Claimant but earmarked as part of his business start-up costs, this sum                         was required as a pre-condition that would enable the Claimant to apply to join  the

             Government’s Loan Guarantee Scheme, from which the Claimant could expect to obtain

            a loan of £30,000.



 (          The terms and conditions as stipulated by the Defendants were that if the Claimant met the

                        pre-conditions stated above, the Defendants agrees to provide the Claimant with all the

            necessary financial support, mentoring support and entrepreneurial training support, plus             any other support required by the Claimant to start and maintain his own business.



(          The Claimant as is customary -  when dealing with government agencies in such matters,

             anticipated that the Defendants – being a government agency – setup to assist persons                          such as the Claimant -  would observe the Law of Contract,  - and the  Law of Copyright,



(          Equally the Claimant anticipated that he Defendants by their ensuing actions - were in                             acting accordance  with their statutory duty as an agent set up by Government to provide                        such support to persons such as the Claimant.

            (exhibit 1.5.6a, - TEC Operating Manual -  para,   )

            ( exhibit 1.5.6b, Partners in Regeneration -  para,  )



 (          The Defendants by contracting with the Claimant is equally subject to:-


            (a), the Law of Confidentiality,  vis-à-vis -  not releasing to any third parties in part or in             whole any details of the Claimant’s business and marketing plans and/or business                                    proposals, - or any other documents entrusted to the Defendants by the Claimant.


            (b), and by not using the said documents in part or in whole for its own purposes.



      (           SUPPORTING EVIDENCE


      (           The Claimant’s statement of case aims to show and demonstrate that:-

                              The document submitted by the Defendants as their “Bid Document” to the

                  Government Office for London – was conceived by the Claimant and included                                Information provided by the Claimant to the Defendants in the Claimants –

                  Proposal for an Integrated Business Support Centre” - (exhibit – 1.6.1)) 

                 the Claimants - “Business and Marketing Plans” - (exhibit – 1.6.1a)

                 the Claimants – “Research Information” - (exhibit -  1.6.1b)


      (           The Claimant through his investigations -  has discovered that the Chief Executive of West                               London Training and Enterprise Council – and others, namely the “Main Consultant” to the                               project, was actively involved and actively practiced wide scale deception in his acquisition                               of support for this project and in the presentation of documents to the Government Office for                               London,


      (           The Claimant can demonstrate that – the Chief Executive of West London Training and                                  Enterprise Council – was actively involved and actively colluded with a third party (i.e.): the                               Main Consultant,  Ms Menu Vora-  to facilitate this deception,

                  (exhibit - 1.6.3)various letters of support for the project -


(           The Claimant can demonstrate – that,  the Chief Executive of West London Training and             Enterprise Council – utilised the contents of documents supplied by the Claimant to the                            Defendants, in whole and in part, in his bid to the Government Office for London - an                                 institution who subsequently awarded the defendants a contract in (3) phases -  to the sum                      of £1.76(m) million pounds.


(           By way of evidence of the actions of the Chief Executive of West London Training and                              Enterprise Council - The Claimant wishes to put before court – documents obtained from                         Companies House – these documents contain the facts that the third party

                        acted as the Main Consultant to the project being envisaged by the Defendants,  the                               documents presented - being the Annual Reports and Annual Returns of the “Third Party”                         mentioned previously, -

                  (exhibit -  -




      (           By so doing, the Claimant also aim to demonstrate to the court that – (a)  the third party was                               set up by the Defendants (b) the third party had no in-depth knowledge of the subject in                                  question vis-à-vis the provision of Information Technology Services and (c) could not                                 have provided the services for which it claims competence.


      (           That the Claimant’s current position – vis-à-vis unemployment, lack of means and dire                                   financial status is not due to (1) poor judgement, (2) misfortune, (3) an accident – but is                                  directly attributable to and a direct result of – the actions of the Defendants – vis-à-vis - the                               Chief Executive of West London Training and Enterprise Council.


      (           The Claimant also wishes to put before the court the facts that –

                  although the Defendants are in Members Voluntary Liquidation, this was a policy

                  decreed by the Government,



(a)     the assets that resulted from the actions of the Defendants against the Claimant had  

        previously been transferred to another company –

        (i.e.)Business Link London  West” before the liquidation came into effect.



(b)    The assets transferred by the Defendants to the other company has served both to

       provide  employment and generate substantial revenues since its inception in    

       (1997)  – to the present time.





(           THE CLAIMANT


            aims to show and demonstrate that:-


 (         The Defendants did not possess the required detailed knowledge that;


            (a)   would have allowed them to embark on such a project before contact with the Claimant –

            (b)  there is no evidence to show that the Defendants intended to embark on such a project before (September 1996)  - after the Claimant had written a letter of complaint regarding the lack of agreed business start-up support that was promised by the Defendants to the Claimant.


(          The Main Consultant to the project had no IT knowledge that would enable her to act as

                        consultant or provide advise on such a project.




(           The Main Consultant made annual returns and annual accounts to Companies House                         between (1995 and 1998) that were highly questionable and as a direct result was advised                         by Companies House to cease trading in 1998,



(           The Main Consultant made dubious statements in support of the proposed project to the

                        Government Office for London – in her pledge of £1,482(m) million pounds.



(           The Main Consultant acting with the knowledge and support of the Chief Executive –

                        actively solicited support for this project by;


                        (a) compiling a letter of support for the project,

                        (b) contacting others by phone requesting the required support,

                        (c) faxing the letter to these persons with the objective that

                        (d) they sign and fax the letter back to the Defendants or in some cases send the letter by                               post

                        (d) this was then presented by the Defendants as proof of support for the project by                                       persons from the business and academic community.

                         (exhibit  -  - the contents and date of the letters of support)         



(           The Claimant wishes to draw attention to the fact that this process adopted by the Main

            Consultant, acting in consort with and behalf of the Defendants (i.e.) the Chief Executive                         Dr Phil Blackburn - was possible due to the nature of the position of West London Training                         and enterprise Council in general and the Chief Executive in particular.



(           The Claimant wishes to put forward the hypothesis that the parties from whom the Main

            Consultant and the Defendants obtained  the letters of support for the project – were at                         no time aware of such a project -  before the date on which the telephone call – requesting                         support for the project – was made.



(           The Main Consultant to the proposed project had inadequate IT knowledge that would                            qualify her to act as consultant or provide advise on such a project.



            (           The relevant documents involved and the relevant dates during which these                                                           correspondence and communications took place between the Main Consultant, the                                           Defendants, the Chief Executive and others -  and the main supporters of the project

                                    are contained in

             (exhibit –








            (           THE DEFENDANTS MODUS OPERANDI


(           At all material times the Defendants carried on business as a “Training and Enterprise

                      Council”, an agency set up by Government, whose primary function was the provision of

                      financial, training, and other business support functions to small firms, and/or Male and/or

                      Female individuals such as the Claimant, who wished to start their own businesses. –

                      (exhibit -



(           In reliance on and induced by the weekly meetings, discussions and representations offered                         by the Defendants the Claimant agreed to comply with all the of stipulated conditions and                         statements made by the Defendants by signing the documents presented by the                                       Defendants, the Claimant also started proceedings to effect the sale of his house and to put                         its contents in storage, in order to comply with section 1c above, thereafter the Claimant                         was totally dependent on the actions of the  Defendants who then proceeded to                                         provide the Claimant with some – but not all of the support services under the agreed terms

                      of the contract.



(           Further or in the alternative, before, during and at the particular times of the contract, the             Claimant made clear to the Defendants expressly in writing, verbally by telephone and by                         fax communications and in weekly meetings with the Defendants, his desire to start his own                    business and the sources of his funds, that would allow him, the Claimant to meet the                              conditions as set out by the Defendants in (exhibit  -



(           Relates to the original proposal, developed by the Claimant exhibit (1.06),  and

            Communicated to the Defendants – in 1995) – the specific comments by Letter from Jeff Taylor, 1995,

            Business Development Director of West London Training and enterprise Council – in a                            letter to the Claimant - dated (xx-xx-1995)   -  exhibit –



 (   Relates to various correspondence between


  The Main Consultant had no in-depth knowledge of (I.T.) Information Technology

  and as a direct result of this lack of knowledge, could not have provided the services

  alluded to in her correspondence with the Chief Executive of West London Training and

  Enterprise Council.


 (exhibit  -, IT Skills Forum Annual Reports and Annual Returns – (1996 – 1998)



 (exhibit  -, letter from the  Main Consultant to Dr Phil Blackburn dated (20-Sep-1996).



 (          Correspondence between the Main Consultant and the Chief Executive of West London

                        Training and Enterprise Council –Dr Phil Blackburn – dated (1996)  (exhibit (2.0.1)



 (          Correspondence between the Main Consultant and various third parties who were

            asked by the Main Consultant and members of West London Training and Enterprise

            Council to support the new project in writing, by fax and by the pledging of funds .  dated                         (xx - September - 1996)  - (exhibit



            (           Correspondence between the Claimant and various Management Personnel

            employed by West London Training and Enterprise Council  to provide start-up business

            advice and counselling to individuals - (dated 1995 to 1996)  - exhibit –





(           The Claimant wishes to draw the court's attention to the facts - that – the actions of

                        deliberate non-co-operation and lack of information pursued since (1997)

                                    by the GOVERNMENT OFFICE FOR LONDON – is designed to be extremely generous,

                                    supportive, preferential and rewarding to the Defendants

                                    WEST LONDON TRAINING & ENTERPRISE COUNCIL Ltd – in general - and –   

                                    Dr Phil Blackburn in particular


                                    While at the same time their actions is designed to be:-


                                    Extremely prejudicial, harmful and detrimental to the Claimant,





          (             CONCLUSION


                (           The Claimant concludes his Statement of Case by asking the court to look closely at all the

                                    relevant documentary evidence presented,


·         correspondence between the Defendants and the Claimant,

·         independent witness statements in support of the Claimant,

·         correspondence between the Claimant and various government departments,  

·         correspondence between the Defendants and various Third Parties


The Claimant is of the view that he has established the Necessary Proof that;


(a)        he did possess such Equity -  in the form of his

            "Integrated Multi-Media Business Training Centre"   business proposal, 


(b)        his business and marketing plans as outlined in his claim, 


(c)       prior  to his contacts with  the Defendants, West London Training and Enterprise



(d)        and that West London Training and Enterprise Council,  did, contrary to various laws

                                    subsequently utilised such documents to secure funds to develop a similar project                                     as outlined in the Claimant' documents for their benefit to the detriment of the                                            Claimant.



(          Based on the bona fide of the Main Consultant to Dr Phil Blackburn, Ms Meenu Vora,  

            the fact that despite detailed reports to Companies House.


·         No mention was ever made of her involvement in producing either research materials or general consultancy or any other consultancy involving the use of “Multi-Media Training” for Small to Medium Enterprises.


·         The Job Description she gave herself while Managing Director of “IT SKILLS FORUM” as “Desk Researcher” equally does not contain any such references.


·         The Transfer of Assets  to the value of £335,203 from West London Training and Enterprise Council   to “IT SKILLS FORUM” is questionable.

      (Ref. : - IT SKILLS FORUM” 1996 Annual Reports)


·         Articles allegedly written by “Ms Meenu Vora ” were equally spurious, none was based on any form of research,  but based instead on comments made by other persons with whom she ha made contact.


·         Despite prolonged and detailed search, the Claimant can find no evidence that Ms Meenu Vora had any IT skills that would merit the revenues generated over the lifetime of her company "IT SKILL FORUM"

      (Ref.: -  IT SKILLS FORUM – 1996 to 1998 inclusive)


·         No mention is made of her skills as an IT Consultant in the Annual Reports and Annual Returns lodged with companies House over the relevant period



·         The amount of revenues attributed to “Members Subscriptions” in these accounts and reports could not have been possible for the following reasons:-


·         (a) “IT SKILLS FORUM” in its brief history -  comprising of two (2) persons was incapable of producing anything of value that would be equivalent to the alleged subscription fee income.


·         (b) There has never been, nor are there in existence a similar forum in the UK, which depends on financial subscriptions from members, with only two employees that is capable of generating an income of between  (£115,00 and £343,259) per year. 


·         (c)  The Claimant will not speculate on how “IT SKILLS FORUM” through an employee level that never exceeded two persons and who had no saleable assets could generate such large amounts over such a short time span (1994 to 1998).




(           The Claimant is of the view that;


·         under the Law of Contract of England and Wales (1988), there was indeed a contract in existence – between the Defendants and the Claimant,


·         And that the Defendants did deliberately and with malice aforethought - violate such contract for their own benefit and the benefit of others,


·         That as a direct result of such unlawful acts, the Claimant has suffered catastrophe loss and deprivation of his business, livelihood and independent means of existence,


·         That



(a)   The Claimant is of the view that he has established the bona fide of his case under         UK Law, namely, that he did have a contract with the Defendants:-






(b)   Among the objectives of this contract were the performance of certain tasks,  vis-à-vis, 

        providing all the assistance required by the Claimant - that would allow him to set up


                                    "Integrated Multi-Media Business Training Centre",


(c)   The correspondence from WEST LONDON TRAINING AND ENTERPRISE COUNCIL     

        verify the verbal assurances given at the time, that this was the main objective of such  

        a contract.














                        The Defendants by their actions;


(           Are in Breach of Contract,  having failed to honour all of the terms and conditions of                         the contract as agreed at the material times, namely to provide all required assistance to                         enable the Claimant to start his own business,


            These action by the Defendants of using the Claimant's documents to obtaining public             funds to  set up a similar project in competition with the Claimant   


The Defendants in the person of Dr Phil Blackburn was aware of the consequences of his actions and deliberately by his actions deliberately induced a Breach of Contract to the detriment of the Claimant.


The actions of the Defendants, namely Dr Phil Blackburn induced others in his employment to subscribe to this Breach of Contract, and to falsify statements made in support of his efforts vis-à-vis  to secure £1.76m pounds sterling from the Government Office for London,


All subsequent actions by the Defendants were extremely prejudicial and resulted in an adverse and detrimental effect on the success of the Claimants business prospects

Ref.: Law of Contract




(           Are in Breach of Confidence,  under the accepted formula for breach of confidence set

            out in (Coco v. Clarke), namely, whether the information that is, or is about to be,

             used or disclosed:

a)    is intrinsically confidential: e.g., a fresh idea or something that is not commonly known,

b)    has been communicated or acquired confidentially, i.e., where a reasonable recipient

        would know that confidentiality was intended or expected,

c)    is, or has been, used or disclosed by the confidant without authority to the detriment of

       the confider.


Ref.: Coco v AN Clark (Engineers) Ltd [1968] FSR 415; [1969] RPC 41



Ref.: (Lord Denning - MR 1967) -


The law on this subject does not depend on any implied contract. It depends on the broad principle of equity that he who received information in confidence shall not take unfair advantage of it.)  




·         Information will be given in situations which impose an obligation of confidence where there is a relationship between the 2 parties which would lead a reasonable man to conclude that the information should be kept secret.



(           Are also in Breach of Copyright  under the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act

                        (1988), by their actions of:


            a)   passing on the contents of the Claimant’s business plans and other documents,

                  in part or in whole to third parties,


            b)   making use of such information as contained in the Claimant's Business

                  Proposal, and Business and Marketing Plans for their benefit to the detriment

                  of the Claimant,


          (ref:. (CDP  act of  1988),  -  under the section(s): -


          (Moral Rights of Authors)


          (Entrepreneurs and Authors)


          (Market Power and Individual Works)



(           The Defendants by their actions of utilising the contents of the said documents, in                                     part or in whole, provided to them by the Claimant in confidence, in their tender                                          document to the Government Office for London to secure funds of £1.76m), are in                                    breach of copyright,



(           The Defendants by their actions of utilising in part or in whole the Claimant’s                                              business plans and other documents, in  the building of a similar facility as                                                described to them in confidence by the Claimant, are in breach of confidence,



(           The Defendants by their actions and the induced actions of others under their                                            control, relinquished and/or disregarded or was negligent in their duty of care to the                                   Claimant, which as a direct result, contributed to the Claimant’s losses,



(           By the direct actions of the Defendants and as a direct consequence of the

                        breaches of the terms and conditions set out by  the Defendants and as laid out

                        above, resulted in the Claimant:-


                                    (a)  suffering the total collapse of  the Claimant’s business,


                                    (b)  suffering a total loss of income and forced on rely solely on social security for                                                        his survival,


                                    (c)  has become destitute due to this loss,


(           These losses have resulted in the Claimant suffering extreme deprivation due to a                                    total loss of all visible means of support by way of employment and/or income,



            (           The Claimant being 60 years of age at the time the claim was first lodged with the courts,                                     has suffered further losses due to the fact that employment opportunities for persons of                                       such age range is minimal,  the Claimant has become permanently unemployed and has                                     remained in this position since 1997 through no fault of his own and despite various and                                       continued efforts find employment.





            By reason and fact that


(           The Defendants position was that of an agency, created by Government, whose objective

             included the provision and support for persons who intended to become self-employed,



(           The Defendants had stated both publicly and in writing that they provided such assistance

             to include “Ethnic Minority” persons who intended to become Self-Employed,



(           this was Government policy and initiative,



(           the Claimant had received full encouragement from the Defendants for his intended self-                          employment project for a period from the early part of (1995 to September-1996), a period                         of more than twelve months - prior to the acceptance of contract terms offered by the                               Defendants,



(           At all material times the Defendants had made clear both verbally and in writing that

            they would provide the required support to the Claimant.




(           The facts stated above resulted in the Claimant putting great faith in both in;

(a)    the verbal and the written promises and statements of the Defendants and

(b)    in the terms and conditions of the contract offered by the Defendants.



                (           The Claimant having taken all reasonable precautions to safeguard his business was un-                                    inclined  to consider the possibility that an agency set up by government to provide such                                       services as  deemed necessary to support the Claimant – would instead - have his                                              business taken over by the  Defendants and presented as their own creation – to the total                                     detriment of the Claimant,


(          As direct result of the actions of the Defendants the Claimant was not able to start or

                       operate his business as intended under the conditions of the contract, this resulted in failure

                       of the Claimant’s business venture, the Claimant subsequently suffered total loss of his

                       business, damage to his person and his well being, due to fact that he was evicted from

                       both from his place of business and his home:-


 (          Failed to provide the level of support promised to the Claimant,  which resulted in failure                                       of the Claimants business project,



(           Utilised the Claimant’s business proposal, business and marketing plans and other

                        documents which had been previously handed over to the Defendants in confidence - for                         their own  use, contrary to the implied terms and conditions of confidentiality,

                        the law of copyright and the law of contract.








(           The Claimant wishes to put before the court the suggestion that the Defendants failed to                         exercise their "Duty of Care" responsibilities in their dealings with the Claimant, based on                         the nature of the relationship between the Defendants and the Claimant,



(           ABUSE OF POWER


(           The Claimant submit that the Defendants, namely, Dr Phil Blackburn in his position as

            Chief Executive of West London Training and Enterprise Council severely abused his             power, his position and his influence, and furthermore he ignored the harm that his             actions was likely to have on the Claimant, vis-à-vis absolute ruin through a total loss of   

            his business and the benefits thereof.



(           The Claimant further submit that, the Defendants, namely  Dr Phil Blackburn in his position                         as Chief Executive of West London Training and Enterprise Council willfully and                                       deliberately and with malice    aforethought by his actions, and using his position  deprived                         the Claimant, namely Beauford Lloyd Sewell of his rightful ownership of his business,                           thereby causing total financial collapse, loss of income and extreme hardship, the                                     Claimant being subsequently forced to live on social security benefits for several   years,

            due to lack of adequate means of support.



(           The Claimant further submit that the Defendants, namely Dr Phil Blackburn in his capacity

            as Chief Executive of West London Training and Enterprise Council deceived the Claimant

            in his correspondence with the Claimant , vis-à-vis (the letter to B. L. Sewell, dated                       September 10th 1996), Dr Blackburn disregarded his responsibilities as  a director of a

            publicly funded company, and has perpetrated acts which were illegal,  further he has

            through his power, position and influence induced others to be a party to his illegal           

            to;-  (a) deprive the Claimant of his rightful business and (b) secure public funds,



(           The Claimant submit that the Defendants, namely Dr Phil Blackburn knowingly:-


            a)         acquired the confidential information belonging to the Claimant

            b)         illegally used this confidential information for his own use

            c)         illegally allowed this confidential information to be passed to others

            so that it could be used to secure ESF of £1.76m pounds sterling the detriment of the







(           falls under the description of Special Government Department, since they were                                      established by the Department of Trade and Industry expressly to perform certain                                  functions,  Among the responsibilities were the specific responsibilities of assisting                                   groups or individuals such as the Claimant - who wish to become self-employed,



(           The Claimant there wishes to submit that


            West London Training and Enterprise Council


have a “Fiduciary Duty” in its dealing with the Claimant, 








(           Loss of business generated income for five years 1997 – the present;-


                        a)         Financial loss of income estimated @ £36,000 per year   -  £252,000


                        b)         Consequential loss resulting from the loss of personal income for the same                                     period estimated @ £30,000 per year   - £210,000



(         In respect of Breach of Confidence and Breach of Trust -  the Claimant is entitled under                         the law to interest pursuant to s69 of the County Court Act at such rates and for such a                         period as the court considers satisfies the objective of justice.



(           The Claimant claims (a) financial compensation based on the fact that the Claimant had                         spent several years beginning in (1993) developing his proposal and business plans, prior                         to making contact with the Defendants,



(           The profit forecast of his business venture had been certified as sound by his accountant                                     with a profit forecast of £172,000 in 1997, being the first year of operations, 



(           Financial losses incurred as a direct result of the loss of the Claimants business, these

                        losses materialised as a direct result of the Claimant satisfying the conditions set by the

                        Defendants in section



(          Financial compensation due to loss of income from his business from  the date –

                       03-March-1997 to the present.



(           In respect of Breach of Copyright – the Claimant is entitled the proceeds acquired by

           the Defendants – this being the sum total derived from the exploitation of the Claimant's                   Business Proposal and Business Plans by the Defendants to the detriment of the                        Claimant.



(           In respect of Intellectual Property Rights are private rights, it includes a collection of

            rights and as such they enable the owner to obtain capital or income by:-




            (           The Claimant further seeks Restitution on account that:


                                    a)         the actions of the Defendants were not only deliberate but designed to cause                                                         maximum hardship and deprivation to the Claimant


                                    b)         despite prolonged and concerted efforts by the Claimant, the Defendants have not

                                                sought to compensate or remedy the huge losses and deprivation suffered by the                                                 Claimant


                                    c)         the lack of an effective remedy since (1997) constitute an unjust benefit or

                                          advantage to the Defendants at the expense of the Claimant.




(1)   Damages of £462,000

(2)   Proceeds derived by the Defendants since September 1997

(3)   Interest pursuant to section s69 of the County Court Act 1984.



Dated: 15/07/07





I believe that the information included in this Statement of Case are true.



Signed: Beauford Lloyd Sewell



The claimant represents himself and will accept service of the proceedings at the following address: -

B. L. Sewell, 16 Westdene Meadows, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8UJ.



To The Defendants



To the Court Manager

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